As restrictions are lifted and we are able to meet and travel more I wonder whether we will ever get back to "normal"? But then what is "normal"? One description in the dictionary says "conforming to the conventions of one's group". If thats the case who wants to be classed as "normal"!
We are all made in God's image but we are all so wonderfully unique and the dictionary says "without equal or like; unparalleled". Who wouldn't rather be that person, I certainly would. So I'm hoping that lockdown has helped us to look at our identity. It maybe before that we identified ourselves by what we did as a job whether it was going to an office every day or looking after a family, being cook, cleaner, taxi driver, seamstress for costumes for school plays. Maybe some felt they lost their identity when churches closed and they no longer could "serve". Whetehr Christian or not I hope people discovered the joy of having time to just be, whether with family or a good book or by having time to walk in open spaces and connect with nature. I know some people found it stressful having to home school and having the children around 24 hours a day, but most people I have spoken to have found it a really useful time to reconnect with family and enjoy simple things together. They have realised that the children didnt have to be occupied all the time by ballet classes, scouts, gymnastics etc because they have imagination enough to invent games and be creative. And I hope people became more childlike themselves after a while when they realised that this pandemic was out of their control and they therefore let go of trying to control anything.
We are all chidren of our Heavenly Father, he is the responsible adult and He wants us to enjoy this life He has given us. Peronally I have enjoyed this time to nurture my relationship with Father and the world around me. I started lockdown with a huge list of all the things I was going to do and initially would beat myself up because I wasn't ticking them off quickly enough. As the months have gone by I have become less bothered whether they get done or not. I am learning to live in the "now" and I am learning to love the unique person I was created to be. If ever I lived a "normal" life I certainly don't want to go back to it or create a "new normal.". Life is an adventure and we will never live this moment we are living again so lets embrace it. If, at this moment, you are struggling remember there are many moments ahead when you won't be and if you allow the one who created you and who knows you intimately to be part of your now, then He can guide you through it and give you whatever you need, strength, wisdom, comfort.
Enjoy being you! Enjoy the journey! Enjoy the now!