We had a lovely day on Sunday as John Nuttall joined 22 of us for Brunch at my house. The last time John was this way people had to fight their way through a snow storm but this time we had mostly sun, apart from a couple of times when the heavens opened and huge hailstones fell! There was a lovely mix of people, some new to the Fatherheart message and some who know it well and come to be fed (with the word of God that is, but also with Frittata & Croissants!) Thank you to all those who came and parked responsibly! I think many went home having made new friends and I am sure everyone was blessed.
John reminded us that Father has many aspects but He loves to have fun with His kids and the more we become like little children the more we are able to enjoy His presence.
For those not yet booked in to the Conference, and those who already are, I would like to remind you that it is about Contentment and part of that means letting go, laying back into the Father's arms, which hopefully we will all be able to do. But we can also have some fun with our Papa so come prepared! There is a gym, sauna, golf football (no idea!!), tennis, table tennis, billiards & snooker and it is all included. For those less active I'm sure Father is just as happy to chill out with you in the bar and watch a bit of tele, or stroll round the acres of land in the beautiful Chiltern countryside, or even just curl up next to you on your bed. We will be having amazing teaching from Helene, John, Jim & Liz but it is mainly about relationship both with our heavenly Father and with each other. See you there!
